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Remplissez le formulaire ci dessous et nous vous rappellerons aux heures indiquées :
48 rue Louis Ampère
93330 Neuilly sur Marne, FRANCE
Agence Ceasy,
Z.A Confortland
Rue du Val
35520 Melesse
Tél : 02 99 63 64 00
RCS Rennes 438 427 585 00072
Courrier : contact@ceasy.fr
Webmestre : hotline@ceasy.fr
Vulcanic respects the privacy of every individual who visits its websites. Any information collected about you will be used to fulfil any service you might request, to inform you about new products and services and also to improve how we serve you. Your data will be treated in accordance with relevant European Union and local country legal provisions. Your information will not be disclosed to anyone outside of Vulcanic.
Vulcanic will not collect personal information about you using cookies however by enabling cookies or keeping cookies enabled, you are providing your consent to Vulcanic storing cookies on your browser. Please note that disabling cookies is likely to impact website functionality and your experience of the Vulcanic website.
The purpose of this privacy policy is to describe the types of information that we collect from you when you visit our site and explain how we use this information.
We collect your personal information on a registration form.
This information may include data such as your name, email address, country and needs.
We use this information to answer your needs and send you relevant information about products and services.
Whenever you browse the Vulcanic website, read pages, or download information, our computers automatically record certain information about your visit from the computer you use to access our site.
The information includes the following:
This information does not identify you personally. It just tells us how many visitors come to our site and the types of computers they use. With this information, we can improve our site for all our visitors and make it more useful to you
Your email address is only used for the purposes of replying to your needs as describe in the form.
The technical recommendations contained in our catalogs are only indicative : prior to any use of our materials, the buyer has to perform, or commission, a through study whose aim is to check whether or not the selected material is adapted, or can be adapted, to the use and installations to which the user intends to assign our material.
Any order implies acceptance of our general terms and conditions of sale.
Because our equipment is steadily improving, the dimensions and technical data are subject to changes without notice.